Notes on the experimental application of the EEAF methodology using the ChatGPT artificial intelligence tool.




Artificial Inteligence, CHATGPT, Natural Language Processing


It presents the methodology EEAF - Exploratory Interview for the Evaluation of Functionalities - to be used by Communication researchers, in the study of characteristics or analysis of textual material, created by artificial intelligence algorithms. In this work we use the ChatGPT conversation tool and propose a set of metrics: transparency, structuring, precision, variety and updating, for evaluation in the experiment. In general, texts created via code showed the need for human review, especially in materials that dealt with objective facts and data.



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Author Biography

Márcio Carneiro dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Professor da área de Jornalismo em Redes Digitais do Departamento de Comunicação Social da UFMA. Doutor em Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital pela PUC-SP. Coordenador  do LABCOM/UFMA.


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